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Soft Tissue

Soft Tissue Techniques

Scar tissue and adhesions can build up in soft tissues, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves, through direct injury, or indirectly through compensation patterns that our bodies have become accustomed to using. These adhesions cause fibers of the tissue to bind together, causing irritation that can lead to motion restriction, weakened muscles, and irritation of surrounding tissues. These altered soft tissues then cause abnormal stress on joints, which can wear down joint structures and cause global movement dysfunctions. Dr. Cindy at Function First Spine and Sport has a wide knowledge base of different treatment techniques to treat conditions in the most effective and efficient manner.

Manual Soft Tissue Mobilization

This technique involves the detection and treatment of tissue injuries by hand. It is a movement-based massage technique that involves taking a contact over the affected tissue and moving the affected joint in a specific and controlled range of motion. The purpose of this technique is to help elongate the fibers of the soft tissue and mobilize adhesions within the tissue. When these adhesions are removed, muscles, nerves, and lymphatic tissue can move properly. This allows for less stress on the surrounding tissues and an improvement in gross motion.

Graston Technique

This technique utilizes specially designed stainless-steel instruments to detect and treat scar tissue and fascial restrictions. The clinician glides the instrument across the surface of the skin that lays over the specific anatomy of the affected area. When the instrument scans over an area of fibrosis it vibrates differently than it does over healthy tissue.
Once the abnormal tissue is detected the clinician continues to glide the instrument over the affected area to break up adhesions, increase blood flow and promote healing or remodeling of the abnormal tissue. This clinical benefit can be enhanced when the patient performs specific, doctor guided exercises while the therapy is being performed.

The specific system used at Function First Spine and Sport is the Graston Technique. 
The Graston Technique is an evidence-based protocol that can be used to treat a variety of musculoskeletal complaints and is clinically proven to achieve quicker and better outcomes for acute and chronic injuries and conditions. The various shapes of the Graston instruments allow the clinician to get a deeper and more precise contact on specific anatomical structures. Chiropractors, physical and occupational therapists, hand therapists, and athletic trainers around the world utilize this technique to improve patient outcomes.

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS)

This is a technique that focuses on re-establishing correct movement patterns, which in turn leads to less strain on joints and tissue. Each of us establishes proper 'motor control' in our first year of life. It is when this proper 'motor control'  gets disrupted, whether from injury or other factors, that we develop aberrant motor patterns that lead to dysfunction and wear down of tissues at a higher rate. This is a technique of  clinical protocols that are designed to restore and stabilize locomotor function. We utilize the knowledge of DNS to help our patients develop exercise treatment plans that restore good posture, motion, and core stabilization. If you have foundation of proper movement, performance can be enhanced by loading the movement. 


There are many purposes of taping, including providing support for unstable tissues, increasing fluid movement, increasing facilitation of a tissue, or inhibiting activation of over facilitated tissues. By using a combination of different taping patterns, different types of tape, and using varied directions of tape, the above-mentioned outcomes can be met. As a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician, Dr. Cindy has extensive clinical experience in determining which technique is best for the patient.

McKenzie Method

The McKenzie Method® of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy® (MDT) is an internationally researched and acclaimed system of assessment and management for spinal and extremity musculoskeletal disorders. It has been widely used all over the world for more than 60 years.
Clinicians, like Dr. Cindy, who are trained in the MDT system are able to assess and classify all complaints of the musculoskeletal system. That means that if a problem is coming from the spine, extremity joints, muscles or tendons, then a MDT evaluation is appropriate. An MDT clinician will be able to identify if MDT is indicated, what management strategy is best, and outline a predicted recovery pathway.
A key feature of the method is the initial assessment, which is a safe and reliable format to reach an accurate classification and only then develop the appropriate management plan. At Function First Spine and Sport, we believe that the initial visit sets the tone for the entire recovery process. If things are missed at the beginning, often the treatment may not be as effective. Although sometimes imaging of the area is necessary, in many cases it can be avoided without adversely affecting patient outcome.  At Function First Spine and Sport, we like to consistently remind our patients that proper function and quality of movement is many times more important than an image of a static moment in time.
MDT is a comprehensive assessment and management approach based on sound and logical principles that focuses on the patient and their potential to self-manage and recover their previous level of function.
Please visit the website for more details!

Corrective Exercises

Dr. Cindy has a unique and diversified background of education in techniques that help her not only detect specific biomechanical abnormalities but determine how to most effectively and efficiently correct them. She has had training in techniques such as Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) and Functional Movement Systems (FMS). She has also had extensive training in core stability and extremity joint mobility. She has a unique and diversified technique toolbox that helps set the care you will receive at Function First Spine and Sport apart from others. Her passion is in educating and empowering her patients so that they can help themselves get out of pain and stay out of pain! At Function First Spine and Sport, we want you to leave feeling not only relief, but hope and encouragement. The health care system of the future depends on us taking control of our bodies and our health! We are so excited to be a part of your journey!

Mckenzie Method
Corrective Exercises


For any questions or to book an appointment, feel free to contact us.

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